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Conscious Relationship Weekend Workshop

  • Riverdell Spiritual Centre (map)

Break the pattern of avoidant and anxious for conscious singles and couples and discover your dance with the divine masculine and feminine.

Are you ready to meet yourself in divine love from the healthy masculine and feminine?

This is your invitation to truly embody love from a wholesome place.

Let me guide you to your love alchemy as you remove layers of your past experiences of the wounded masculine and feminine from lovers to family members and unlearn distorted beliefs from the patriarchy around your body, sexuality and desires to align yourself to your truth of love and pleasure.

This involves sensual embodiment practises to activate your passion and desire into bliss, relationship constellations, emotional release process with current and/or past lovers linked with your family dynamic of the wounded masculine and feminine, love healing chamber, conscious communication, relating and lovemaking and so much more!

Heart-Opening Sensual Ritual: Awaken your receptivity to pleasure and joy within your temple as you learn how to activate your kundalini to open up your heart space through somatic and energetic work to release any insecurities, stress and trapped emotions whilst embracing body love.

Relationship Constellation: Identify what is needed to shift your relationship dynamics with your beloved to highlight internal and external blocks to support you moving forward or what is in the way of manifesting or connecting with your soulmate to bring about healing around conditional love.

Conscious Communication: Learn how to have structured, safe, open-hearted and emotionally vulnerable conversations with your beloved to authentically express your ownership of your shadow playing out in the relationship, addressing triggering behaviours and reframing the experience by having shared input about how that situation came about and bringing you and your partner back into the present moment through acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude exercises.

Divine Union Of Feminine & Masculine: Learn how to pinpoint and release shadow patterns of the wounded masculine and feminine that are being projected into your relationships, along with open discussions of rolemodels in your family dynamic and society how to restore balance between your healthy feminine and masculine relationships to bring yourself into alignment, relationships, love-making and intimacy.

Celebration Ceremony: Bathe in an enriching chamber of unconditional love as your senses are tantalised in the most nurturing way where you are glorified for your divinity and sexuality through tantric touch, energy healing, chanting, singing, sound therapy, loving acknowledgement as well as being cleansed and blessed on the earth bed as you let go of the old ways of being and plant new seeds of intention to manifest.

Creative Poetry: Be guided to write a love letter from your highest self to bring your new intentions into life, declare your letter into the circle to give it energy, art therapy to colour images, symbols and codes that represents divine love to reprogram your subsconscious and unconscious mind at home and receive a personalised card reading to move forward in your love life.

Earlier Event: 17 May
Lovefest Lutruwita - Tasmania
Later Event: 28 September
Magnetic Womban Weekend Workshop