Are you on a spiritual path of self discovery and ready to dive deep and start making more choices in your life that follow the calling of your heart's desire and ignite your soul? Are you willing to learn from your current reality and past choices and transcend to a future reality based on living from your heart, as an outward expression of the truth of who you are?
Come and connect with an intimate group of like minded souls prepared to open their minds and hearts.
Soul Space Circle is space to connect and share from an open heart with like minded souls. A space to let go of all the stories and any dramas of the day and unwind for a couple of hours or so with presence not pretence. It's a space to open your mind to a new perspective and connect with your soul and the souls of other like-minded beings as we tune into our authenticity and intuition.
Theme: Living from the Heart
The evening is divided into 3 main parts:
1. Sharing of inspirational self love cards
2. Meditation (in 2 parts: body scan to relax the mind & body followed by guided meditation intuitively based on the theme)
3. Pairing/connection exercises
(i) Eye gazing - Heart opening exercise
(ii) Asking and responding to questions based on the theme, usually using the benefit of hindsight, and gaining insights through your reflections in others
In this session we will be exploring the theme of Living from the Heart, following on from Opening the Heart which we explored in a recent session, although not a prerequisite. This session will include a heart opening exercise at the start.
There’s a lot of talk about listening to the heart, following the heart and living from the heart but how often is it actually practiced, given that an open heart is required first, before it can be heard, followed, or lived from. When do you listen to your heart and when don’t you listen? Do you set intentions that you believe are from the heart space but find the outcome does not align with your true heart’s desire? Is there a pattern? Do you take the risks that sometimes come with following your heart if it doesn’t follow the logical mind or expectations from others, or do you follow the easier and more common path of familiarity with the comfort zone of convention? With the benefit of hindsight we can see more clearly when our past decisions have come from the heart allowing us to live from the heart which only knows infinite possibilities.
These are the types of questions we will be exploring in the circle. There are no right or wrong answers, only what feels true for you in each moment.
Date: Tuesday 26 September 2023
Time: 7.30pm start (arrive from 7.15pm ) to 9.15pm
Location: The Authentic Living Centre
Address: Level 2, 113-115 Oxford St (Cnr Oxford & Crown st) Darlinghurst
Investment: $25 / 2 for $40 / $20 concession (includes light snacks, herbal teas & filtered water).