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Leela the Game of Life - A Kundalini Yoga & Meditation Experience

In Sanskrit, the term Leela is translated as ‘play’ and is used to describe the practice of playing the game of life consciously as well as the basic nature of the divine. The whole existence is a dance of energy; a dance of the masculine & feminine, the 3 gunas and five elements. Each one of us experiences this dynamic dance each day of our lives, but when we get enslaved by the process of our mind - our thoughts, opinions, ideologies, rights and wrongs, and moralities – we miss the point of life. Either we get lost in one playful adventure after the next without much clarity, direction or sense of purpose or we are trapped by the rigidity of the ego-mind. In both instances, maya translated as illusion acts as the great veiling power that blinds us from seeing what is real, true and unchanging.

Key Questions:


💫 So how can we approach life with both conscious responsibility and playfulness?

💫 How can we commit to our various roles in life yet without losing ourselves in the game of life?

💫 How can we fully experience being in the world, yet remember that we are not of the world?

What to Expect?


In this Kundalini Experience, you will gain a deeper understanding of Divine game of life that is orchestrated by Cosmic Consciousness, so that you can play the game without getting caught by it.

This Kundalini experience consists of a dynamic blend of postures, conscious breathing, mantra, music and meditation, which can bring you relaxation, self-healing and elevation. It will balance body and mind, which will enable you to experience the clarity and beauty of your soul.

Who can Attend?


🌟 No previous experience in yoga is required for you to achieve results with your very first experience!

🌟 Dress is comfortable and loose white clothing.

🌟 Recommended to bring a white head covering.

About this Practice:


Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan® under the guardianship of the Kundalini Research Institute, is known as the Yoga of Awareness; its focus is on self-awareness and delivering an experience of your highest consciousness. Read more:




Early Bird by February 20

- A$47 per workshop ($32 USD)

Late after February 20

- A$65 per workshop ($44 USD)

**payment will be request in USD at a currency conversion of 1USD = 1.48 AUD




About Shama Kaur:


Originally from Cairo, Shama Kaur is Egypt’s first Kundalini Yoga Trainer. She is a 500hr KRI Certified LEAD Trainer, teaching kundalini yoga classes, workshops and delivering teacher trainings in Egypt and across the Arab region, Australia and the US since 2012.

In Arabic ‘Shams’ means sun and ‘Shama’ means candle, put them together and her name means the one who shines the light of her inner soul.

Her first encounter with yoga came at a time where she was struggling with her mother’s eternal disease and Kundalini Yoga brought her healing.

Shama has a an unquestionable devotion to spreading the teachings of Kundalini Yoga to all those who are keen to bring healing, awareness and spiritual consciousness in their lives.

As an artist, Shama's workshops combine music, arts, dance, mandala creation, drama, chanting and healing gong baths.