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New Earth Dreaming New Way Walking

Welcome to the Expo Journey New Earth Dreaming, New Way Walking sacred transmission, where you will be able to take energies, ideas and new ways into your life and your communities.

When we find our tribe where we can truly share our gifts and shine, collectively thinking, feeling and co-creating in a coherent way, we grow and expand with the cross-pollination of ideas and concepts, and realities begin to change.

We are no longer a Lone Tree standing in infertile lands. We are part of a Great Forest. Visions and Dreams we never thought possible begin to Manifest.

Why we are Offering this Immersive Journey Now

Many of you will have been personally affected by the last few years of uncertainty and disconnection, with the crumbling away of old familiar ways - many of which have not served humanity. You are dreaming of a new reality for yourself and collectively for humanity, and the communities you live in and contribute to. You may be looking to find like-hearted and like-minded people to grow and belong with. Perhaps you are feeling pulled toward, or have already activated a call to leadership.

This expo journey has been carefully crafted to share the ancient and conscious wisdoms of the past ages and is appropriate for our modern times. The word 'expo' is short for 'exposition' and has Latin roots meaning putting something out in the open. This is a Unique Opportunity to open up to new ideas and possibilities, expand and grow your resourcefulness, moving from chaos to harmony, and be guided to find your own personal Map of growth to help navigate a changing world.

Do You Feel The Call to Join the Dreaming and CoCreation of our New Earth and Ways? 

You have been aware of an uncertainty and unsafety in the world and are looking at centering yourself and expanding your energy despite the continued external chaos.

Are you ready to embody the Power of Ancient Wisdom and fully activate your innate gifts and power to CoCreate New Ways to Walk the World with those around you? 

At times you feel a sense of disconnection or looking to find other like minded people to grow and belong with.  You find yourself asking:

What can we do collectively, differently and more of to accelerate the transition of the world and our lives into living a life of Peace, Harmony, and Unity? 

You identify as a Universal Light Weaver, Visionary and Conscious Walker bringing forward the reality of the New Earth we are all dreaming into existence.

Are you ready to create a palpable alignment to the infinite power through your sacred nature? 

If one or more of these Quests and/or Questions resonates, then this will be an exceptional opportunity to unite with others of like-heart and mind to join The VisionKeepers for a weekend of teachings to support you through this transition so you feel more confident to contribute to and influence the Journey of New Earth Dreaming, New Way Walking.

During this weekend Expo Journey, you will:

  • Be received in a supportive, energetic space to align yourself to a New Way of Walking on the Earth.

  • Be placing your energetic footprint to create a harmonious world for our future generations.

  • Be receiving key tools to increase your resiliency and move through any challenges you are being presented with now.

  • Understand more how to be a heart-centred human being that cares for yourself, others and the Earth.

  • Have an opportunity to explore and define your contribution and place in the New Earth.

  • Find yourself amongst a larger tribe to belong with in the world and be supported with more joy, flow, resiliency and emotional freedom.​

Who is Guiding The Journey? 

This is a curated transformative and expansive Journey facilitated by a diverse team of experienced and inspiring Health and Wellbeing Practitioners, Visionaries and Community Leaders who come from varied backgrounds and different areas of expertise. Collectively known as The VisionKeepers.


The VisionKeepers are in their seventh year since forming in 2016, meeting regularly to reflect on their personal and professional journeys.  Their collective vision is to build authentic relationships where they spend time nurturing each other into their full potential. They do this through loving connection, deep sharing and listening, co-creation, and collective visioning of a vibrant, healthy earth, and healing and transformation for humanity and the communities they serve. 

The VisionKeepers look forward to individually and collectively offering a wide variety of creative and inspiring presentations this weekend.