Code of Conduct
All crew, facilitators and volunteers are committed to ensuring your physical and emotional wellbeing.
This code of conduct outlines what you can do to provide love for self, others and the earth. If you need additional assistance with emotional wellbeing, you are encouraged to approach one of the Care Team volunteers for assistance
I will create a SAFE space for myself:
Being aware that challenging emotions may surface and it is important for me to ask for support from others or from the Care Team in a respectful way.
Respectfully communicating any personal boundaries that are important to me.
Checking my surroundings and being present in areas with uneven ground, rivers, dams and long grass
I know it is my responsibility to express my consent or non-consent in a clear and decisive manner. I will say no clearly if something is not comfortable to me. If someone is disrespecting my boundaries I will report this via the team at HQ.
I will create a SAFE space for others:
Listening Actively
Being respectful of others' views even when I disagree
Being collaborative
Recognising and respecting diversity
Respecting privacy
Being aware of language diversity
Handling disagreement constructively
Acting fairly, honestly, and in good faith.
Respecting people’s personal boundaries
Seeking clear consent at all times
Reporting hazards, accidents or 'near misses' to crew
I agree to ask for clear consent before initiating any physical contact with others. I will respect others' choices and responses knowing that no means no and yes means yes for that particular instant only. I will continue to request consent for any further engagements.
I will create a SAFE space for nature:
Leave no trace
this includes vegetable matter as it can negatively impact the eco system
this also includes sanitary products, wet wipes and cigarette butts
bringing bins and containers with secure lids to pack rubbish in and take it with me when I leave
Avoiding using sunscreen, moisturisers and insect repellants when swimming in the river
Attendees found to be breaching the conditions of entry, and/or serious or repeated breaches of the code of conduct, may be asked to leave. This decision will be at the sole discretion of the event organisers.