Artist/Facilitator Application 11.11.24

Thank you for your interest in being an artist or workshop facilitator at Lovefest! 

We take great care in the facilitators and artists that we choose for our events. We are creating and holding space for people on their inner journey and so therefore the quality is very important to us. 

The guidelines that work best for facilitators is the following. For artists its a bit more free flowing, but please read through as a guide.

  1. You have a certification in the modality you are applying for

  2. Your offering is suitable for all ages

  3. You have been to a Lovefest event before and/or connect to Lovefest values

  4. This is your primary line of work as well as your business

  5. You have a strong following on social media for this business

  6. You facilitate events/classes in this modality at least twice per month to over 10 people

  7. You have had experience facilitating to over 50 people in the past

  8. You have facilitated this particular workshop or offering multiple times and can hold space for various class sizes

  9. You are local to the event you are applying for (within 50KM radius)

Please note that all applications are taken in to consideration, however local artists and facilitators are given preference, and it will be the final decision of the Lovefest events team on what will be suitable for each event.


Email if you need any further info.

Much Love to you!
The Lovefest events team